These are lyrics to a beautiful, indigenous song of South America. Such lyrics are found in the Yoga traditions of South Asia as well. When singing mantra in the yoga tradition, it is understood and stated clearly in the scriptures: "We sing to the deity to awaken the deity within. If you think the deity is one and you another, you do not know.
Stretch the Capacity of Your Heart: Rape and Compassion
My spiritual practice aims to cultivate a mind and heart that can find compassion for all beings. After the 2012 rape and murder of Jyoti Singh in India, I was feeling lost and defeated. I emailed a dear friend, “I can’t find compassion for the men who raped and killed her,” I wrote. “My heart is just not capable of doing that.”
Make It Sacred
Are You Giving with Integrity?
"Don't hide behind your compassion," says Krishna in the Bhagavad Gita, a classic book of timeless wisdom. The Gita emphasizes that we each have a very specific purpose. In Sanskrit, the work we were created to do is called our, Svadharma. Deep down, we know what we are meant to do. Krishna warns us: "Where there is personal attachment, sentimentality arises and we may fail to follow through with our purpose."
Spiritual Warrior
A spiritual warrior refuses to die to his/her true self.
From the very beginning of my pregnancy, I was clear that I wanted to do a home birth. My parents were extremely upset and worried. How could I risk the life of my unborn child and that of my own? I don't blame them for being scared. I was scared of giving birth too. Yet, my vision and desire were strong to birth at home.
Slow Down Time
As soon as you sit down and take five slow, deep breaths letting the mind rest on the present moment, you know that it is possible to slow down time. Try this once a day for a week, then twice a day for two weeks and then thrice a day for three weeks. Then try to breathe slow and deep all day. In the midst of your day notice when the breath becomes shallow and slow it down no matter what you are doing.
I Choose Rhythm
We are all pulled in so many directions. At least, I can say that I surely am. Before having my daughter, Mila, I spent years traveling and teaching yoga in beautiful places. It was exciting and wonderful to meet many amazing souls and to share my passions in this way. I learned an immense amount and I also sacrificed having a daily rhythm.
Holy Tastebuds! Cashew Coconut Curry in 25 minutes!!!
“If we are to realize...
Your Power Over Me
I notice that when people tell me that I am strong and capable, I step up, inspired to explore my potential more. When people believe in me, I remember to believe in myself. As I notice that people have this power over me, I realize that we all have this power over each other. "Who did you make feel significant today...?