Are You Giving with Integrity?

Are You Giving with Integrity?

"Don't hide behind your compassion," says Krishna in the Bhagavad Gita, a classic book of timeless wisdom. The Gita emphasizes that we each have a very specific purpose.  In Sanskrit, the work we were created to do is called our, Svadharma.  Deep down, we know what we are meant to do.  Krishna warns us: "Where there is personal attachment, sentimentality arises and we may fail to follow through with our purpose."



Slow Down Time

Slow Down Time

As soon as you sit down and take five slow, deep breaths letting the mind rest on the present moment, you know that it is possible to slow down time. Try this once a day for a week, then twice a day for two weeks and then thrice a day for three weeks. Then try to breathe slow and deep all day. In the midst of your day notice when the breath becomes shallow and slow it down no matter what you are doing.